Sunday, February 18, 2007

Trop malade!

Just when I thought I was getting better, I am awakened this morning with MORE of the heinous flu-like symptoms I have been battling for now nearly a week. I have pretty much exhausted the last hangers-on from my American "pharmacy" and now have only one packet of TheraFlu left. What I wouldn't give for some NyQuil....

In the meantime, I have been holed up in the aparment doing a whole lot of nothing. However, I am venturing out every so often to use my shiny new UNLIMITED MOVIE PASS! What an awesome idea- for the price of less than three movies a month, I can go as much as I want!

I've recently seen:

Blood Diamond
The Holidays
Pursuit of HappyNess
The Last King of Scotland

I may go out again today to see either the Good German or the Hannibal Lecter flick (which may be too scary for me! Haha!) The weather is beyond gorgeous- I am so disappointed to be stuck inside!

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