Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Why am I so bad at blogging?

I always say I will be better, I will post more, etc but it never sticks!

I wonder why?

Things here have been pretty "quotidien" or "every-dayish" lately. I've learned that our office is moving FOR SURE on May 13th, so I have less than a month left of my hellish commute. That makes me more and more excited by the day, especially seeing as how all the May holidays will have me out of the office quite a bit. At this point, I only have to take RER B to work 13 more times.....ever. I just might bring champagne on the last day....

Otherwise, I've been doing a lot of reading, not enough exploring, and just a little bit of Anglo friend-meeting which makes me really excited actually. I think that I have been really missing the U.S. so much lately because I've been feeling a bit out of touch in Paris. Not only out of touch literally with friends and family, but also out of touch with my surroundings. My French is getting better which is great, but there is still so much missing...the little jokes, cultural references, etc. that I'm not sure if I will ever understand. It's hard sometimes but I'm trying to have a good attitude about everything.

Anyway, that's my brief update from over this way....hope everyone is well and looking forward to a few more April updates!! :)


Victoria said...

hey kathryn,

thanks for answering my question about business school in France, i really appreciate it and it was very useful.

sometimes i get discouraged by reading expat blogs, reading about how difficult live can be in France.
But, I won't give up my dream...

KEF said...

Hi Victoria!!

Don't get discouraged....honestly, I think it's great that you are reading up on it and educating yourself beforehand!

Of course life is harder than it might be "at home" but there's nothing like the way my breath STILL catches in my throat when I see the Eiffel Tower sparkling at night.

You can do this!

KathyMac said...

i don't know why you are so bad at blogging, but if you do figure it out, would you please tell me why? because i am even WORSE. :D

KEF said...
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KEF said...

@kylie HA! I am seriously so so so bad at it. And I have the dearest friends in the US who are sad about it and ask me so nicely to keep them updated yet I STILL never live up to the hopes and dreams....

I am going to make a concerted effort though. Really. As part of my new "OPERATION: HAPPY KEF IN PARIS!" :)